COVID-19 or novel coronavirus has created a pandemic around the world. Till the end of July 2021, more than 201,000,000 cases were reported positive according to the world health organization’s (WHO) situation report.
As Corona (COVID-19) havoc still continues, doctors are advising suspected people to remain quarantined at home or at facility centers to cut short the transmission.
A large number of businesses have shut down temporarily or permanently and people are asked to stay inside the home during the lockdown.
Sitting at home and doing nothing for a long period of time is not easy especially for working people and students. After a few days at home, one can’t think of a way to pass the time.
In a few countries, people are inside the home for nearly a month now. Staying at home can affect your mental and physical health in many ways.
After 2-3 days at home, one may feel like the mind and brain are saturated. On top of that, you may feel a lot of stress due to a variety of reasons. For example, financial stress, business related stress, job related stress, family related stress, Health related stress or could be related to work that you have to take down after this lockdown ends.
This will pile up the situation and it will become difficult to stay inside the home for a longer period of time. This leads to irritation, nervousness, frustration, loneliness, sadness, anger, and anxiety.
It can also affect our physical health, for instance, putting on weight due to sedentary life, procrastination, overeating. Using excessive gadgets will create more problems like the heaviness of the head and joints pain.
I can list many things that will affect your mental and physical health while in quarantine or by staying at home during a lockdown. So, it becomes necessary to apply some measures so to take care of health while quarantine or in lockdown.
If you are sitting at home in lockdown or quarantine and can’t figure out how to pass time? Then you have knocked on the correct door, below are the few tips and tricks which will help you to pass time at home at the same time take care of your mental and physical health.
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You need to assure yourself that you are not sitting inside the home for a lifetime. Sooner or later the situation will recover.
You will get to normal life and everything will be fine. Whatever losses have happened you will surely recover. Just believe in yourself, trust your guts.
Don’t lose hope. Whenever you feel lost and stressed just tell yourself that ‘whatever the situation maybe you will handle it”. Hope is the greatest motivator in the world. If anytime you think life losing hope remember the last dialogue from the movie Shawshank Redemption.
Do not watch the news round the clock because it will lead to more stress and worry.
Reframe the situation in a positive way.
Think that you got a chance to spend quality time with your family especially with your wife and children. You got time to take a rest from a busy schedule or to recharge yourself.
And now as you got this time you will use it to do something good or to learn something.
Every situation in life brings a blessing along with trouble.
Take the lesson from this situation and prepare for the future so that you will manage well next time.
Everything can be earned back but life can not.
Meditation will help you release stress. You will feel calm and peaceful after meditation. There are different types of meditation learn one of those and do it regularly.
Breathing exercise is very helpful. Every time you feel stressful start breathing in and out slowly but steadily. You can repeat it twice or thrice a day.
Meditation will surely help you to take care of your health while quarantine. You can meditate from few minutes to a few hours depending upon your interest and the time available.
Reading books is healthy as well as informative to your mind. Take this opportunity for Reading the books you always wanted to read. Or If you don’t have them in your personal library you can buy them online.
Reading is the perfect escapism in this condition and further, it will refresh your mind. so, open your book now and get lost in it for a while.
Reading books develop a growth mindset. This may help you to develop ideas, for your business growth, academics and to kill the time.
As you are sitting at home and have ample time to follow your hobby. Use this time judiciously.
If you don’t have any, find out which are the things you always wanted to work on But because of lack of time you did not work on it to date.
You can work on a variety of hobbies such as reading novels, learning a new language, watching your favorite series, Play a musical instrument, Dancing, playing an indoor game, or write stories or poems. Work on art like painting, sculpture, designing, or cooking.
Use this free time for a workout. Exercise will keep you fit and healthy. Also, work on your diet if you want to lose or gain weight.
Exercise releases happiness hormones in your body. e.g. Endorphine and serotonin. You will feel refreshed and happy after exercise. If you get fit, you will feel good about yourself.
Try to have healthy foods it will improve your health and further boost your immunity.
Food also releases the happiness hormone that is why people often overeat in stress. Having your favorite food makes you feel happy and relaxed.
Starting exercising today is a good way to take care of health while qurantine or in lockdown.
This is the best time to update your skillset. The skills are very helpful in life and career. You can learn a variety of skills according to your requirements and interest.
The skills for instance public speaking, learning a new language, writing, dance, communication, negotiation, or closing.
You can also learn online skills such as coding, web designing, copywriting, search engine optimization, digital marketing, photo and video editing, affiliate marketing, Influencer advertising, social media expert and the list goes on.
This skill will help you to make some extra bucks or to get a promotion in your job and career.
Use this time to work on your future business plan or the venture you wanted to launch.
You can think of ideas for new business. Or how can you scale up your existing business. You can also think about what will be your plan-B if you lost your job?
Use this time to increase your social medial network which will help to grow your business. Focus on personal branding, which is a hot topic nowadays.
Work on your blog or youtube channel. Work on your Instagram account following and monetization.
You can try one or many tips mention above to pass the time and release the stress of quarantine or lockdown.
In this way, you will stay productive and healthy during the lockdown. Maybe you won’t get this longer period of time in the future. Do not waste this time, use it judicially.
Here are the quick tips for taking care of health while staying at home for a longer duration of time in quarantine due to COVID-19 or due to lockdown,
1. Self-assurance
2. positive reframing the situation
3. meditation
4. reading books
5. work on your hobby
6. Do a home workout and take a healthy diet
7. Learn new skills
8. Work on future projects
Yes, this is true. Remain inside the home for a longer period of time and doing nothing especially can affect your mental health in many ways, for instance, you may feel bored, frustrated, lonely, sad, irritated, and anxious. People who already suffering from anxiety are more vulnerable.
Quarantine means strict isolation of the subject for any length of the time period.
this term is mainly used in the medical field. like to quarantine the patient who is suffering from highly contagious diseases or who is suspect of highly contagious disease to avoid transmission to other normal people.
Generally, lockdown means shutting all the systems, especially during an emergency. For example, because a COVID-19 pandemic has spread around the world most of the countries are under lockdown to stop the spread.
Quarantine and isolation mean the same thing except for a small difference between these two terms.
Isolation – keeping the patient separate from other people for a specific reason.
Quarantine – It is the strict or forceful isolation of a patient.