Motivation doesn’t always work. You must find a way to get out of the situation that is making your life miserable. Motivation works like a painkiller pill.

Motivation is indeed needed to face the shortfalls and problems in life, It will only help for some time, especially in the initial days of struggles. But the effects of motivational content like books and videos will fade with time and you will start feeling miserable again.

You need concrete solutions for the problems if you don’t want to stay there for long. To achieve this you have to be proactive and make some bold moves to change the situation.

If you are willing to be proactive in finding the solutions to the traumas and shortfalls you are going through,

The following five books will help you to heal from traumas, heartbreaks, and challenges that are making you sad and lost. The following 5 books will help you to heal your inner child and to lead a confident and high-performing life.

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1. Maximum Achievement.

This book should be first on the list. It would be best if you started with this book. Because if you want to prosper in life the first thing you have to achieve is make peace with your inner child. I am glad I came across this book which helped me change how I perceive my relationship with myself, my parents, siblings, associates, and the people around me.

This will help to move on from heartbreaks, hurtful feelings, emotional traumas, daddy issues, disputes with your parents, and childhood traumas.

Ace Businessman and philanthropist Dr Brian Tressy wrote this beautiful book. I can bet that everyone will resonate with their life with this book. Brian Tressy explained every aspect of life beautifully and in simple language.

Author Brian Tressy gave us differential mental exercises to strengthen mental strength. He explained how to forgive your parents for all the wrongdoings they did with you such as not loving you enough and neglecting you in your childhood or giving you mental trauma that still haunts you.

You will get one or more pieces of advice in this book which will help you become a better person in life. After reading this book you will be able to make peace with yourself.

2. Emotional Intelligence(E.Q.).

This book should be second in the list after Maximum Achievement.

After reading this book you will come to know why some people are good at managing big corporations efficiently while others find it difficult to deal with simple life problems, why some people reach the ladder of success effortlessly while others live an unsuccessful and miserable life, why some people lead happy marriages but others don’t or why some people become respectful and mass leader but some struggle to do so. In all these examples the only difference is the people who have test success have higher Emotional Intelligence and vice versa.

The book Emotional Intelligence is written by Danial Goleman, a Harvard professor and author of multiple books.

The author believes that the degree of success you achieve in life is directly proportional to Your emotional Intelligence or Emotional Quotient i.e. E.Q.

Not to be confused between Emotional Intelligence and Intelligence Quotient i.e. I.Q. aka Academic Intelligence. I.Q. will make you book smart but E.Q. will make you street smart.

As per research, it is found that people with higher emotional quotient have more chances of becoming successful in life. This means people with higher emotional intelligence will lead happier, fulfilled lives both financially and relationship-wise than those with lower emotional quotients.

Because people having high E.Q. have a higher tendency to manage extremely emotional and highly pressured situations. Emotional situations such as loss of loved ones, failure in exams, love failure, monetary loss, and fighting. While people with inferior E.Q. will get anxious and stressed, those with higher E.Q. will make it look easy.

The author also explained how some people are very good at making the right decision no matter how stressful the situation gets, such as some CEOs of big firms, while others will easily get burned out. This is possible only because of their higher Emotional Intelligence.

The author stated that people with higher E.Q. are most likely to have good relations with their spouse, mother, sister, and other family members as they are smart in recognizing, expressing, and reacting to emotional situations. Also, they are more likely to lead happy lives while those with lower E.Q. will always stay sad and lack satisfaction.

This book will teach you the basics of Emotional Intelligence and how to implement it in your life.

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3. No More Mr Nice Guy.

This book should be third on your list. It will teach you about relationships, especially with women in your life. May it be your girlfriend, wife, mother, sister, colleague, friend, or any woman around you.

This book will help you discover the hidden inner child in you, that is yet to grow as per age. And how to deal with your inner child, make peace with it, and become a high high-value, confident, and more mature person.

The book is written by Dr. Robert Glower who himself is a doctor. The author comes to know that his relationship with his wife wasn’t that great but toxic and complicated. He used to think that though he was always nice to her, agreed with her on everything, and gave her all the freedom and money she wanted, still she was not happy about the relationship, it wasn’t a happy marriage.

But later after deep research and counseling, he comes to know that it is him but not her causing toxicity in the relationship.

The author admits that in view to pleasing and seeking validation from his wife, he became nicer, to more agreeable with her, he allowed her to run over him, and let her lead in every decision. This behavior of his forced her to act masculine which made her stressed and frustrated. Because of his feminine behavior, she lost all respect for him which eventually created complications in the relationship.

Dr Robert calls this phenomenon a Nice Guy Syndrome and the person is a Nice Guy.

Women subconsciously hate nice guys that’s why they either distance themselves from nice guys or friend zone them. Because nice guys are fake nice around women just to seek their attention and validation. Women will sense the fakeness in them and avoid getting into a relationship with them because women hate fake, feminine, and weak men. And nice guys eventually end up with toxic and traumatized girls.

This applies not only to your wife but to every woman in your life, may it be your mother, sister, friend, or colleague. Instead of attraction, they will get repelled by your softness and feminine behavior.

The author also explained why men today are becoming softer and less masculine day by day. He gave reasons and also explained how to get over from nice guy syndrome.

This book will help you find your true masculine energy. Which will make you a high-value person and your relationship with women will surely improve.

4. Rich Dad Poor Dad.

This book must be 4th on your list. There is hardly any person who hasn’t heard about this book. A blockbuster seller book written by Investor and Personal finance advisor Robert Kiyosaki.

This is the best book in the market about personal finance. Billionaire author Robert simplifies personal finance in layman’s language. He gave the example of two families he named one Rich Dad and Another Poor Dad to compare and understand the basis of personal finance.

The author Thiel Explained the difference between assets and liabilities in layman’s language. Anything that puts money into your pocket is called an asset such as property put on rent, or active or passive income from business. On the other hand, anything that takes money from your pocket is a Liability such as a car, house, and things of leisure.

Hence, Rich Dad is adding up wealth day by day by cutting down liabilities and collecting assets while Poor Dad is more focused on gathering liabilities which eventually makes him poor.

After reading this book most of your concepts of personal finance will become clear, which will help you to make better financial decisions.

5. Zero To one.

This must be fifth in the list. Zero to One is a remarkable book on the world of business written by Peter Thiel. Peter Thiel is a famous name in Silicon Valley of California, United States and only a few people living under stone may not know about him in Silicon Valley.

Peter is the founder of giants like PayPal and Palantir Tech. He is also a hedge fund manager and one of the early investors of Facebook. He also founded “The Founders Fund” and “ Thiel Fellowship” for new founders.

The book Zero To One is a live note taken by one of Thiel’s students Black Masters during his live lectures on startups and business at Stanford University. Later Peter endorsed the book.

Thiel has summarized his all business experience in this book. He explained the basis of all economies of businesses and countries.

As Per Thiel, all the economies fall into two broad categories one is capitalization and other is globalization.

Capitalization is inventing new things or products and capitalizing on it thus calling it going from “Zero to one”. On the other hand, Globalization means copying an already invented product and capitalizing on it by mass production of that product, the author calls it going from “Zero to n”.

To understand this concept, countries like the United States and Japan focus on capitalization while China focuses on Globalization. The same principle can be applied in companies, small and large businesses, and also personal life.

Companies that focus on invention are less likely to fail while the companies that focus on globalization will eventually fail.

With this example, Thiel explained why some companies have become too big to fall and some companies fail after some time.

This concept of going from zero to one can also be applied in our lives.

This book will help you succeed in business and life.


The book Maximum Achievement will help to get over emotional traumas to find peace with yourself and with others. It will also help in personality development.

Emotional Intelligence will help in building confidence, and communication with others, and will teach you to manage emotions effortlessly.

No more Mr Nice Guy will help you build better relationships with other people, especially women.

Rich Dad Poor Dad will teach you about personal finance that will be helpful to become financially literate. And Zero to One will help you to build a sustainable business.

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