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All of us have got cheated or betrayed once, twice or several times in life. Excluding some exceptions, everyone has gone through this.
Generally, these people are known to us very well, they may be your business partners, associates, friends, or dear ones once.
But still, they cheated on you and you are still not able to figure out why they deed so because you trusted them so much.
Have you experienced it ever? And you are wondering why on the planet earth they cheat on you or betrayed you. You never imagined this is coming from there side because you trusted them so much.
If this happened with you and you always wanted to dive deep on this and want to figure out why this happened with you?
Well, you are in the right place to evaluate the root cause of why people cheat on each other, continue reading,
Here we taking not only about cheating in the relationship but also in work, business, and day to day life.
Low status or low-value people, mentally weak people, desperate, envious, and over-ambitious people are most likely to cheat.
Some people may have the urge to cheat without any reason, the strong feeling to cheat or betray someone, and he is not able to control it and end up doing betraying. These people may or may not be habitual.
Ones someone cheats on you he is most likely to do that again unless you find out and remove the reason.
If you have got cheated or betrayed ever, one or more reasons mentioned below are responsible for your condition,
Cheating in the relationship is common these days and it’s increasing. As per one study publish by INSTITUTE for FAMILY STUDIES in America 20% of men and 13% of women reported cheating over a partner. Though a large number of people understand that infidelity or cheating is not an appropriate thing to do still it is happening.
If one of the partners or spouses feels unloved there is a possibility that he/she will seek love outside.
People often feel unloved in case of abusive relationships, domestic violence, and disrespect by other partners and not happy with sex life.
When one of the partners is dominating and the other is submissive, the dominating one has the chance to cheat.
The study publishes in HUFFPOST shows that men are more likely to cheat in the relationship than women.
If you are too submissive in a relationship with your spouse. Or with your business partner.
Because of this submissiveness, you become the ideal person to get betrayed, they take you granted and don’t think you are worthy enough to know.
In such a case, your partner is most likely to cheat or betray you because they think you don’t have an opinion and voice and no need to take you into consideration.
When your partner, associate, and near ones know you are weak and don’t have guts to raise your voice against injustice or you will not retaliate.
In this condition, you are most likely to get cheat and betray especially in business and property matters.
Jealousy is the greatest motivator of betrayal and cheating. Jealousy makes people feel competitive, insecure, inferior, angry and defeated.
People who are jealous of us secretly hate us. Because they know inside there mind that they will never overcome your charm and success.
That is why they secretly wish to take us down to their level or below. And hence jealousy leads to cheating and betrayal.
Grudge and revenge hold against us can motivate people to cheat and betray us.
Your associates, business partners, and friends can turn revenge against you because of multiple reasons. For instance, you might have hurt them or by any chance, you may have disrespected them or they are envious of your aura and success.
The feeling of revenge makes the person angry against you and motivates them to hurt you and betray you.
This situation happens in business, at work and in property issues.
It often happens at work, for instance taking credit for other’s success or betraying others to take their position.
People betray their business partners as a shortcut to success is known to us.
Betraying others for property and wealth is the most common thing since human existence.
Usually, low-value people thinks betrayal is the shortcut of success, because they know, no matter how hard they work they will never achieve success, social status, and wealth.
People know every single detail about you.
They know your strong and weak points, your habits, your plans, your work secrets, and things more than required.
You are pretty much open book but this can be dangerous.
If the other person knows everything about you it becomes easy for them to plan something against you.
Cheating and betrayal are always disastrous. It can affect your mental health badly. It makes us down emotionally, financially, and socially.
Cheated and betrayed people may feel stressed, nervous, sad, anxious, panic, and in some cases depression.
Trauma after cheating and betrayal is actually an emotional shock due to the feeling of defeat.
Betrayal makes us feel looser and defeated. This leads to anger and rage, sadness, anxiety and panic, and depression.
Some people may get fearful, socially withdrawn, quiet, and irritated.
This phenomenon is called as post-trauma stress disorder (PTSD).
Post-traumatic stress disorder ranges from mild to severe. In mild cases, a person revives without doing anything but in severe cases, one needs to go for counseling or take opinion from a professional medical doctor.
This experience is always bitter. Cheating and betrayal bring stress, fear, frustration, anger, economic loss, and emotional trauma (PTSD). But getting over this is not that hard.
You can try following things,
Motivation gives you emotional support for some time until you figure out something.
Reframe the situation positively such as, this setback is temporary and you can always start over again or This time you have experience how not to behave. Nothing is permanent including a tough time.
You need to understand self-love is more important than anything. Nothing is important than you.
Keep calm. Control your anger and look on the bright side.
. If you are not able to get over it after a few days then you must go for psychologist counseling or medical doctor such as a psychiatrist.
Though getting over is not hard but it will be more appropriate if you don’t let it happen.
If you look around closely you will get the signals of upcoming betrayal.
For instance, a regular person known to you since long starts behaving differently. Or he starts avoiding you or start talking something odd in your absence. The business partner does things secretly, make a decision without taking your opinion. Spouse suddenly start avoiding you or behave rudely or not taking you into consideration while making any family decisions.
If you are able to recognize these signals you can guess that everything is not good and you get time to inquire and find out is something fishy or not. This way it is easy to avoid cheating and betrayal.
You must not tell every plan to people, some things about you need to keep secret.
You don’t own people they may get change with time, Don’t expect too much from them. expectation gives more pain.
Find your herd, Find the people who love you, admire you, value you, and respect you. Find the people who are like you, they may not betray you.
In simple words, cheating and betrayal mean dishonesty or breach of trust.
The cheating word commonly used for dishonesty in a relationship by one of the partners while betrayal used to indicated the breach of trust by someone. for example, revealing secrets to the enemy or cheat with a business partner for money or privilege.
cheating and betrayal have the same meaning but and can be use substitute for each other.
If you ever Got cheated in a relationship one or several responsible for it,
1. Toxic and complicated relationship.
2. You are too submissive.
3. You are weak and Your partner know you will not retaliate.
4. Jealousy and envy.
5. You are an open book.
6. Habitual.
Following are the most common reasons why they cheat on you or betray you in the job, work, business or life,
1. Complicated Relationship.
2. You are too submissive.
3. You are weak and can’t stand against injustice.
4. Jealousy and envy.
5. Revenge.
6. Shortcut to success.
7. Your life is an open book.
8. Habitual.
Cheating and betrayal are always painful and traumatic. It can cause us stress, pain, fear, insecurity, sadness, anxiety, and depression. This is called post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Cheating and betrayal are very painful and shocking because most of the time the cheater is near people who you never imagined going this.